Screening & Shortlisting

All applicants MUST complete an online application via Taleo. The pre-screening questions are their application form. Should an applicant not be able to apply online then they can complete a hard copy application form which is saved under downloadable documents.

Selecting candidates involves two main processes:-

  • Screening
  • Shortlisting

 Screening Candidates:-

The ‘first cut’ (pre-screen) is done by the Recruitment Consultant and is based on: 

  • Skills and experience required to do the job as per the Recruitment brief
  • Taleo pre-screening questions (This is the application form)
  • Professional registration eligibility
  • Immigration status

The Recruitment Consultant will create a list of candidates from Applications that are best suited to the role.


The process of short-listing involves slimming down the total number of applications received to a short list of candidates you wish to take forward to the more detailed assessment phase of the selection process.

The Hiring Manager will create final shortlist in Taleo (by moving names to the interview stage in Taleo) and notify their Recruitment Consultant immediately. Alternatively you can email the list to your Recruitment Consultant who will move the candidates for you. Those applicants that are not shortlisted for interview will be notified by Recruitment via Taleo.

Short-Listing decisions should be made after using a range of tools appropriate to the time and resources available. Care should be taken to use techniques which are relevant to the job and the business objectives of the organisation.

Contact your Recruitment Consultant for further details or assistance with shortlisting.